Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Appendix B Secondary Concepts

Appendix B

The Nine 2D Fundamental Relationships

The Three Relationships of Distance and Time

Time and distance, that when combined in the three simple relationships, form some interesting concepts.

Displacement = Distance x Time

Displacement is the concept of a 1D Structural Vector formed from two co-linear unit vectors, one of a directed distance and one of directed time. Any distance that is traveled is also traveled in time for one cannot travel a distance without also traveling in time. Since distance and time are not traversed separately then what occurs is displacement. Displacement, it is what occurs when we move, or when energy and matter moves, from place to place.

(x1 - x0) * (t1 - t0) = (dx * dt) = Displacement

The Structural Vector of Displacement is the 1D edge of 2D Structural surface elements. It is the contiguous-ness between two points forming a primary vector. Normal surface is formed by Hypersurface geometry that forms a closed contiguous perimeter to create an area. The Structural Vector is that which helps to form the surface that forms the volume. Many Displacement vectors acting together form ‘infinite planes’.

Velocity = Distance / Time

Velocity is the concept notion of relative motion. When we move through space and time, we do it at some velocity. When what we do involves motion, we do it at some linear velocity. All things are in motion. All things usually travel in a linear fashion. The velocity of an object is relative to the observer. When you increase your velocity, you are able to cover more distance in less time. The slower one goes the longer it takes to cross a specific distance. If this fundamental relationship did not exist between distance and time, there would be no movement available for matter or energy.

From “HyperPhysics - Velocity”, Velocity is defined as:

The average speed of an object is defined as the distance traveled divided by the time elapsed. Velocity is a vector quantity, and average velocity can be defined as the displacement divided by the time. For the special case of straight-line motion in the x direction, the average velocity takes the form:

You can approach an expression for the instantaneous velocity at any point on the path by taking the limit as the time interval gets smaller and smaller. Such a limiting process is called a derivative and the instantaneous velocity can be defined as:

Velocity is a 1D Dynamic vector relationship between distance and time. Relativity exists between two points, and when the two points have time dependant vectors, the time concept and its relationships, is critical.

Inertial Friction = Time / Distance

Inertial friction is a 1D “anti-dynamic” hypervector, and is inverse to that of velocity. Inertial Friction and is the same as the concept of ‘resistance’ in units. The speed limit of the photon is the result of the Inertial Friction relationship. Inertial Friction is the opposite of the concept for motion, which is that of velocity. It can be seen that as the time factor becomes large, while the distance factor remains constant, that the value of the frictional resistance increases.

Physicists have shown that various kinds of matter allow photons to pass through, with ease or difficulty, depending on the matter. This ‘resistance’ to an photon’s passage is the result of the photon’s mass vector reaction to Inertial Friction vector of a particular volume of material. The amount of ‘drag resistance’ over a given distance that an photon is to travel, after energy has been applied to put the photon into motion, is similar to aerodynamic drag. In the case of the photon traveling through space-time, in a vacuum, one could believe that there would be no resistance to its passage, yet there is as such a resistance. It comes from the 2D ‘t/d’ unit vector relationship. Using the example of the electron, instead of the photon, passing through some medium, where it is easier to understand such a concept, Inertial Friction is at cause for the electron’s speed –limit of travel through any kind of matter or just space-time.

The geometry of Hypersurfaces plays a significant role in the expression of Inertial Friction when it comes to matter, energy, gravity and space-time.

The Three Relationships of Primary’s Mass and Distance

Distance and mass, that when combined in the three different simple relationships, form some ‘massive’ concepts.

Linear Matter = Mass x Distance

Linear Matter is the concept of 1D Vector of Matter, the edge of a matter element. It is the base vector part of matter just as Linear Displacement is the base vector part of space-time. Geometrical Structure is made from three points with stable vectors between points. When mass is a component of a structural vector, matter is a formed. Mobile differentiation of space, by a Hypersurface that creates “movable space-time”, using a relationship vector such as Linear Matter is what forms matter.  Mass needs Distance to have reality.  Matter is what matters, for without it space and time are meaningless and there is no differentiation.

Linear Matter, the ‘solid’ equivalent of heat, in terms of SI physical primary units, is “kg-m”. Typically the kg-m is used as a conversion tool in a relationship equation, much like c2 converts mass into energy. Matter, whatever its current density and current composition, has its own mobile local space-time. Since before space-time and matter, before energy, before structure, it all was undifferentiated ‘Mass-Space-Time’. The real creation was mobile differentiation.

The path of a typical end-point of a vector is a curve. A 2D plane is necessary to describe a vector as a curve. The vector line element itself is a 1D vector between a Point and the next immediate Point tip on the path object, in a 2D environment. We can see that from a 3D perspective, perpendicular to the 2D surface, the veracity of this claim. Enthalpy is a progression from chaotic relationships to ordered relationships. Enthalpy follows a ‘path’ of progression. The Sun, and all other massive stars that still shine by the fusing of hydrogen into helium, is the main producer of enthalpy occurrences. Creating matter with larger nucleon counts is a process of enthalpy. Entropy, by contrast, is change from an ordered state, such as ice, to a more disordered state of chaos, such as water, which will lead to a form of equilibrium that is determined by available heat within a finite volume.

Linear Density = Mass / Distance

Linear Density is a 1D density vector, and is a precursor of the 3D ‘regular’ volumetric density measurement scalar in kg/m3. Linear Density is the concept of mass per unit length. If a given Linear Matter vector has a certain mass, it said to have an average mass for that distance, this is a form of density. When one weighs two identical cylindrical volumes, one made out of Aluminum and the other made out of Gold, on a weight scale, one will find that the gold cylinder weighs more than the aluminum cylinder. What this means is that there is more mass squeezed in to the same sized volume for the gold. This applies to the number of atoms of each element with identical volumes.  If the number of atoms is the same in each cylinder, the gold one would still weigh more. If the mass of a cross-sectional disc is constant, then the total mass of the cylinder can be determined by measuring its total length.

The same is true of Linear Density. If, for equal distance vectors, gold has a unit mass vector that is longer or rotated at an angle that is smaller in relationship to the unit distance vector, it can be said to be denser. When a Linear Density vector is allowed to rotate with 3 degrees of freedom, a more familiar form of volumetric density is apparent to the observer.

The universe has its own natural ‘coordinate’ system. In physics, there is taught, within the mechanical branch, two types of systems when it comes to the motion of physical objects: linear and rotational. Linear uses the familiar x, y, z, while rotational uses two perpendicular angles and a variable scalar, which is known as the spherical coordinate system. This spherical coordinate system is similar to the natural one of the universe.

Specific Linearity = Distance / Mass

Specific Linearity is the concept of a 1D vector of specific length, which leads one to the Quantifiable. The concept of Specific Linearity of Matter, leads one to the quantitative and qualitative concepts in chemistry. Each nucleus of an atom of some element has a specific radius that makes it distinctive. The number of electrons, that form the ‘cloud’ about each nucleus, also conform to some specific radius for that element, and adds distinctiveness to the element. The Proton, Neutron, and the Electron each has its own specific radius and mass. If the Dynamic Mass hypervector truly is a constant unit, then it is plain to see that the radius of a particle determines its mass, this is given evidence by the size and mass of each, with the electron being the smallest in both size and mass, and the neutron the largest in both size and mass.

When looking at matter from the point of view of a unit mass vector, what is the radius distance, of a gram of it? The answer depends on the element that the gram of mass is made. The Specific Linearity of matter is specific to the differentiation of the element or particle system that it is specifically describing.

The Three Relationships of Primary’s Mass and Time

Time and mass, that when combined in the three simple relationships, form some ‘energetic’ concepts.

Potential = Mass x Time

Potential is the concept of a 1D Vector of Availability. What is Potential? Mass has no meaning or existence without time. Mass needs time to exist. The matter and energy that are here today can be gone tomorrow. For Matter and Energy to exist, both require the concepts of time and mass. The availability of mass or time is required for the formation of either matter or energy. There exists the requirement that there be a Potential to form either one.

Energy, thanks to Einstein, equals mass times ‘the velocity of light in a vacuum’ squared, while Matter comes in four distinct forms. In the ancient days of yore, the four forms of matter were known as the ‘Four Elements’: Earth (solids), Water (liquids), Air (gases) and Fire (hot ionized gases i.e. Plasma or solar matter), and the once mythical 'fifth element' known as AEther (space-time and its drag / vacuum). Each form of matter, going from solid to liquid to gas to plasma, is less dense, displays more ‘kinetic energy’ and less ‘potential energy’ than the previous. However, there are many different types of each of the ‘four elements’, at least when it comes to the solids, liquids, and gases. One defines a ‘volume’ as ‘distance x distance x distance’ or d3, or aka ‘Space’, Matter comes from multiplying Potential x Space.  Energy comes from multiplying Potiential / Inertial Resistance x Acceleration, which is a little different from matter. Energy goes to chaos, while matter creates order. Energy is time dependant and future orientated, while matter is distance dependant and past orientated. Vector direction in each Potential relationship in the formation of Hypersurface geometries goes to some differentiation to form some kind of matter or the transference of energy.

Matter is condensed Energy. Energy comes in several forms, as does Matter. Energy condenses to Matter. It’s all about DTM.

Specific Time or Longevity = Time / Mass

Longevity is the concept of a 1D vector edge of a 2D plane of specific time. It takes a specific amount of time to ‘change’. The process of changing moves mass, in some form, from one Point to the next Point. This relationship between time and mass is similar to the one in Inertial Resistance. It takes time to move mass. It takes time to build mass. This relationship between time and mass, a unit of time per unit of mass, if the mass term is kept constant as the 'change' occurs then it is the unit of time that is changing.
Longevity, Change and Time-flow with the addition of Hypersurface geometry, increase or decrease the strength of these concepts in normal space-time.  Changing the mass vector can greatly affect the time component in this relationship.

The field (hypersurface) that develops in small particles of matter acts as an envelope surrounding the center origin point creating a spherical bubble that is able to slip through space-time yet acts like glue to create matter. Longevity or Change is one the differentiating components of matter. If there is a constant, such as ‘c’, for time/mass, that could be considered to be equal to 1, then as an object’s mass increases, it’s time of ‘existence’ decreases. Radioactive decay of elements with high nucleon counts is evidence for such a constant, as is the apparent longevity of the Proton.

Push = Mass / Time

Push is the concept of a 1D dynamic vector edge of a 2D surface element that impels. Any action to change the direction of any object requires Push. Mass and time in this form of a relationship leads to motion, action and change. Push is applied to matter through area. Push is equal in all directions in space-time. It takes mass and time to move other mass and time. Mass and time in this form of a relationship is the basis of “Gravity,” “Momentum,” “Force,” “Energy,” “Power,” and other concepts that will be defined later. Gravity is not a property of matter itself. It is a concept structure much like space and time that is a formed relationship around unit vectors of mass. Matter attenuates Push.  Thrust, gravity, and Push: all cause matter to 'accelerate' and move.

When Sir Isaac Newton founded the laws of motion as they relate to gravity and the motion of the planets, he was not specific as to the direction of its application, nor whether it is a repulsive or attractive force. However, his laws of reaction are evident in the concept of Push. “For every action, there is an opposite reaction.” To pick up a rock, it takes Push. The fluid in the muscle cells Pushes against the flexible, but not so stretchable, cell walls during the contraction process. The contraction processes of the muscles in the arm allow the fingers to move. The action, of thumb and finger, against the rock is Push from opposite sides, causing sufficient pressure and friction to over come the inertia of the rock against gravity. With the rock in the palm of your hand, palm up, you use Push again to raise the rock from the ground to pocket level. This action has added ‘potential energy’ to the rock. To throw the rock, it takes Push. Once the rock has reached its maximum ‘potential energy’ and its initial ‘kinetic energy’, from the throw, has reached zero, then Gravity takes over and Pushes the rock back to the ground.  There is no Pull, per say, just Push.  Examine any action that takes place.  Examine each component of the objects in the senario of the action.  One will find Push rather than pull.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Appendix A, the Primary Concepts

Appendix A

Terms of Use and Definitions Defined

The Concept and Label

For the purpose of clarity I have created these definitions for the concepts that have been presented. Most are terms from the Mechanics branch of Physics. When speaking of Dimensions, Time and Space, Matter, Energy, Gravity, and the like, it is important to be clear as to implication of the concept under consideration. Each complex physical definition tends to rely on the simpler ones used to define it. By the rule of logic, if one fact out of a hundred is wrong, then the actual logical conclusion, using all one hundred facts, that is reached is wrong.

The purpose in writing these definitions is to make an effort to have something of tangible means to help define and describe the view of reality that is presented. The following definitions are intended to help one understand the universe around oneself, including that piece of space two feet in front of oneself. In this work, the concept Label will usually be in a larger bold font on the line above the actual definition. A concept is a concept about a concept. The concept of a concept is a concept. The name for an object, or thing, is the Label, that the originator of the concept, or discoverer of said object or maker of said thing, thought was best in describing, in summation, that particular object, thing, or concept. That is at least until the translators got a hold of it.

Since there is more than one Label for an object, concept, or thing, or more than one originator of a concept i.e. in different countries in different times, there tends to be more than one person that comes up with some word for the same concept, thing, or object. There are many descriptive words in the American form of the English language. Certain words have more than one meaning or concept attached to it, and a plethora others that tend refer to the same one concept, object or thing. If you have any real questions, consult the definition of the Label of the concept in question in a dictionary and look for the next closest meaning.

Information from Internet related sources are reprinted here for your convenience. Websites, such as: “HyperPhysics, (”, were used as a source of information on many Physics related topics. The use of block quotes will frame the information from said source, and other sources, when the topic of definition already has had some previous discussion that is relevant to the concept at hand.

As an example, in the following quote from the HyperPhysics web site, “Physical Units” is the beginning of where Physics starts out, and is an example of ‘concepts and labels’.

Physical Units

Mechanics is the branch of physics in which the basic physical units are developed. The logical sequence is from the description of motion to the causes of motion (forces and torques) and then to the action of forces and torques. The basic mechanical units are those of Mass, Length, and Time. All mechanical quantities can be expressed in terms of these three quantities. The standard units are the Système Internationale or SI units. The primary SI units for mechanics are the kilogram (mass), the meter (length) and the second (time). However, if M, L, and T denote the units for these quantities, in any consistent set of units, then the scheme of mechanical relationships can be sketched out.

In the above quote, “…if M, L, and T denote the units for these quantities, in any consistent set of units, then the scheme of mechanical relationships can be sketched out…” in essence, sums up the main thrust of this part of this paper.

Primary Fundamental Physical Concepts

The Point

The point is a concept in need of a definition. Mathematically speaking, a point marks the beginning and the end of a line, or an intersection of two or more lines. One can define a point to give it meaning and use one or more dimensional concepts to do it.

What does a point look like? What are the properties of a point? A point is the collinear view of a line, which is perceived as a ‘flat’ sphere that has the same perpendicular view from all ‘sides’, within our universe. This ‘flat’ sphere shaped point has no dimension or volume in our ‘reality’, yet it exists to define dimension and form said volume.

Why use a sphere to model the Point? A sphere is the most common shape in the universe. All stars and planets become spheres. A sphere is the simplest of shapes and forms, for it has one center point, one single surface of the same shape as the center point, and one single continuous edge easily seen from any angle, which is also the same shape as the center point from which it is formed.

The point of the Point is that the concept of the point represents the simplest of geometrical concepts from which all other concepts arise. Within each point reside all the properties needed for dimensional constructs.

Extension - as Distance

Distance is one measure of the concept of Extension.  Extension is that which exists between two points. One takes two points, anchors the first point, and calls it the Origin, and then one takes the second point and Extends it away from the origin and Distance is what is created in between.  Another term that could be used is displacement.

One point is the origin, the second point, not the origin, is moved away from the origin, this action creates Distance between the two points. You move from the origin to the second point, you are crossing that created distance. The term “magnitude” is also used synonymously with distance.   Extension is the Structural Vector.

Extension - as Time

Time is also a measure.  When creating a Hypervector of Extension, Time is also involved.  Looking at Extension in linear terms, its units are distance-time, where time and distance are in a direct relationship to each other.  From a physics point of view, distance is mathematically identified, quantified, and standardized. In the International System of units, MKS, the unit for distance is the “meter” which is the “M” in MKS.  From a physics point of view, time is also mathematically identified, quantified, and standardized.  In the International System of units, MKS, the unit for time is the "second" which is the "S" in the MKS.

Vector - as Hypervector

A Vector is the snapshot concept of what forms between two points that had been moving relative to each other. A simple vector is a distance or magnitude that has a direction, and always referenced to an Origin point (0,0, ... ).  A Hypervector of Extension is a 1D concept object that is a construct. The 1D construct forms edges.  A line, considered in mathematical terms, is a 1D formation.  The mathematical Line and the physical Hypervector are synonymous terms for the same concept object.

The two points can be referenced by one or more dimensional constraints. As an example a 1D point is referenced by: x. A 2D point is referenced by: x, y. A 3D point is referenced by: x, y, and z. A 3D+1T space-time point is referenced by: x, y, z, t, and a 4D point can be referenced in a linear context by w, x, y, z  all the while, the object of contention, the Hypervector, that which is between the two points, which in spite of the number of dimensions used to reference each of the two points, is the object that is formed, that of a Hypervector, is a 1D object, in a multiple dimensioned environment. Operations that use vector calculus are of particular importance in solving the physical concept problems that were suddenly presented to this writer. A vector quantity is a static concept because it is after the fact, as in the past. The Hypervector concept that is used here is one of a dynamic structural physical relationship between the various primary concepts of dimension by extension, change, and a form of dynamic mass that create the past with the present from the future.


Linearity, 1/Distance, or per unit of distance, is the inverse of the concept of Distance. This is not the same as the negative “x-axis” of a flat geometrical plane. Measurements over linear distance, of use, of increases or of decreases, all occur by traveling though completely, or applying over completely, one unit of distance or its equivalent. There is no true ‘negative’ distance.


The concept of Time is what flows from point-moment to point-moment. The Flow of Time is the Dynamic vector. As dynamic, somewhat cognizant and volumetrically stable blobs of matter, we are at the moving point of the tip of a time vector, the other end of which is anchored at ones origin. Time is about change. Each Flow of Time vector becomes a ‘warp thread’ of reality. The Flow of Time vector appears to be collinear to the direction of one’s travel through Space. The normal passage of time is linear. The measure of time is scalar.

From a physics point of view, time is mathematically identified, quantified, and standardized. In the International System of units, MKS, “second” or sec., or “S,” is the unit of measure for time, and the “S” in MKS.


Frequency is the concept of repetition and cycles. Frequency is also the scalar inverse of the concept of time flow, 1/t, or per unit of time. 1/t is also defined as: “Apply.” If you apply something, you do it over time. If you apply something regularly, you do it frequently, or at some frequency, such as “once per day”.

Frequency is the number of like events, or number of like objects formed, that transpires, in any given unit of time. The nature of sound includes the concept of frequency. Sound is transmitted in air by alternating non-linear high and low pressures traveling in linear waves. Vibration in matter and the transmission of Light also have the concept of frequency in their very nature as well.

From a physics point of view, frequency is mathematically identified, quantified, and standardized. In the International System of units, MKS, “cycle/sec,” or “Hertz” is the unit of measure for frequency.

Dynamic Mass

Dynamic Mass is the concept of a unit vector with ‘punch’. Dynamic Mass is a tangible abstract concept. Dynamic Mass is what gives, matter and energy, reality. Dynamic Mass is a fundamental property of matter, energy, momentum, inertia, and gravity/thrust/push. Dynamic Mass is not “inertia”. Mass has been given a physical unit of measure, in SI units, which is the amount of matter in a Platinum / Iridium cylinder, of specific volume, with the label of “kilogram”, a scalar number, and is the ‘K’ in MKS.

The concept of “Dynamic Mass” used here is not a scalar quantity, nor a static-past quantity, instead it is considered to be the Causative Vector. Dynamic Mass is an ‘at Cause’ unit vector that forms physical, structure producing, relationships between the various primary concepts of dimension by extension and time, that evolves as a dimensional property of the point. Dynamic Mass is that property of a point that gives solidness to matter. Dynamic Mass is what gives, and takes, the effort behind the action of change. Dynamic Mass is the ‘Woof’ Thread of reality. Dynamic Mass is what causes stuff to be.

When it comes to the structure of everything, it is the direction and application of “mass” that is different in each concept. Mass, distance and time are each expressed in the concepts known as ‘matter’ and ‘energy’. Albert Einstein is known for his concept of Energy, E, as E = mc2, in that equation Einstein has said that mass and energy are equivalent through the application of a specialized squared velocity term, “c2,” with ‘c’ being the speed of light in a vacuum. Multiplying (velocity x velocity) is equal to (distance x distance) / (time x time) = d2/t2. Dynamic Mass is a dynamic unit vector responsible for the construction of ‘Space-Time’ (see Append. C). Dynamic Mass can become Energy, E, by multiplying mass * (velocity x velocity) as E = m x d2/t2.

Matter can also be described in similar terms. Matter has mass, has volume, exists for some time, is capable of rotation on three different axis, generally is composed of neutral and charged particles and is a function of Hypersurface geometry. So, using this information one can define Matter, M, as M = md3t, or mass x distance x distance x distance x time. Here, Space-Time, is defined as d3t, and when multiplied by Dynamic Mass, becomes matter.


Specific-ness is Inverse Dynamic Mass. Inverse Dynamic Mass is the concept of 1/Dynamic Mass. Inverse Dynamic Mass is a vector, just like Dynamic Mass, its direction, in our frame of reference, is opposite to that of Dynamic Mass. Inverse Dynamic Mass is a 1D unit vector like Dynamic Mass. Together, the two opposite vectors form another dimensional axis with can be parallel or perpendicular to any of . In various relationships with distance and time, it gives information of ‘specific’ nature in per unit of mass, such an example would be Specific Volume = m3/kg.


Rotation is the concept of a change of a point of view or direction. To look “back” is to see where you have come from, i.e. the origin. In order to look back, you need to “rotate” to change your point of view, or direction, to look “back” in the “opposite direction” from which you came. We can now rotate to change our point of view, which is the direction that we are currently using to see one of the six main directions available to us relative to our original orientation or point of view. In the MKS standards, a unit of rotation, or a change of direction about an axis is the Radian.

In terms of a geographical nature, the compass with its North, South, East, and West has long played a role in changing one’s direction to one degree or another. When we were children, we learned about rotation in our exercise and play. The three actions that describe rotation about an axis of the human body are: twirling, summersaults, and cartwheels.

“Up”, “Forward”, “Left”, “Back”, “Right”, and “Down” are all different directions to which one can rotate. Forward is the reverse, or opposite, of Back. Left is the opposite of Right. Up is the opposite of Down. Left, right, up, down, all are perpendicular to forward as well as to back, which is the opposite of forward, and a second person sitting next to you, looking in the same forward direction as you are, has a collinear or “parallel” view, and when applied to the viewing of a line, gives the end view of said line, which becomes the point view.


Spin is the concept of continuous rotation about one, or more, of the spatial axes. Spin is the continuous rotation of vectors about their origin point. Spin can take place around the middle point of a vector or about one of the ends of a vector. Rotation can occur on or around any of the three perpendicular axes of any 3D object moving through time. A half rotation, or spin of ½ is the constant Pi,  3.14159… that is also equal to ½ of a circle of Radians, or 180 degrees. A spin of one would be equal to 2Pi, or 6.28318, or 360 degrees, which is equal to one cycle, a unit of Frequency. Spin is fundamental to the structure of matter. Structural unit vectors are continuously rotating forming “dynamic virtual surfaces” that are maintained.


Dimension, in the physical world of reality, is one complex concept. Distance, in looking forwards and backwards, only gives a dimension of just one. One has just the one line with its two directions of forward and backward and the magnitude of the line that is created between the two ends of the one line, or vector. If one has right and left as well as backwards and forwards, with forward and backward being perpendicular to left and right, one has two dimensions which can define a surface. One dimension, as viewed from the perpendicular of the direction of the dimension, can be seen as a line, or edge, or as a point from an end view. A surface as viewed from a perpendicular angle is flat, while it’s end view is a line or edge. Three lines, each perpendicular to the other, form three dimensions.

We live in a universe that has dimension and more than just one. Space has three dimensions that give us our volumetric proportions of length, width, and depth. Time is tied at the hip to space and is the fourth dimension. There is more than just the four. Each set of dimensional relationships, formed at each intersectional point in the fabric of space-time, change on a continuous basis according to the frames of reference between the observer and the observed. Dynamically created 4D Hypersurfaces, on 6D Hyper-structures, form, what we are, and the environment, in which we exist.


Hypersurface is the concept of a 4D Geometrical Surface formed by a 6D object. There are several Hypersurface types. Each represents a configuration of a ‘dynamic vector point’, as viewed in a 6D environment. What we view as a quantum point of matter is really a Hypersurface that is dynamically produced by rotating structural unit vectors, and it is the shape of the geometry, which is determined by the scalar length, and ratio, between unit vectors and the direction that the unit vectors are pointing, (i.e. +1 or –1, or 0) that gives the Hypersurface its form and function.

In string theory, the extra dimensions are small and wrapped up into tiny little strings. Here, they’re just the opposite. The extra dimension is huge, just like the other three; it is just rotated ninety degrees out of view from the other three. What we gain with just one extra dimension of extension is one more degree of freedom in rotation. Having one more degree of freedom, with one extra dimension of extension, allows us to imagine our 6D object with its 5D surface from more than just the end view. It should be understood that the mechanical branch of physics gives us two ways to view any given situation involving ‘motion’ (e.g. another example of duality or polarity ;)) and thus two forms of units, the familiar linear dimensional point of view and the rotational point of view.

Linear, straight line, orientation, is easier for most people to understand. It is easy to progress from 1D to 2D to 3D and so on. In terms of rotation it is relatively easy to rotate about any of the three linear axes with which we are familiar. We know we can make lines and objects with edges that are straight. We can travel in straight lines if need be. In the rotational motion arena, wheels, motors, gears, bend, shear, frequency, etc. are familiar concepts that involve rotational motion. Mathematics has evolved several different coordinate systems. The most familiar linear coordinate systems are the 2D Quadratic (x, y) and the 3D Cubic (x, y, z). The familiar rotational coordinate systems are 2D Polar (r, <), 3D Cylindrical (r, <, h) and 3D spherical (r, <, <). These 3D coordinate systems are integrated 2D surface elements wrapped tightly around a 3D object in a 3D+t (4D) environment. The third dimensional element for any volume is given by integrating ‘dr’. Various String Theories use multi-dimensional concepts and inevitably get caught up explaining it from a linear point of view. Depending on which ‘S’-Theory you examine, one finds anywhere from 9 to 11 dimensions being used to explain how things got started, and how we got ‘here’ from ‘there’. These 9D to 11D include the other concepts of time and mass. Einstein already sort of gave us eight dimensions using extension and time in his Cosmological Constant.

Each degree of rotation available allows for one more degree of freedom. With rotation about each of the normal 3D axes, for any given scalar ‘r’, we have three planes of rotation, with each plane of rotation perpendicular to the other. Each plane of rotation becomes an infinite 2D surface element. The fourth degree plane of rotation freedom provides for 12 dimensions (12D) using ‘four dimensions by extension’, ‘four dimensions of Time Flow’, and ‘four dimensions by Dynamic Mass’. Linear is a concept that mankind has developed. The Universe uses a rotational coordinate system.

Given that, from two different perpendicular views of a rotationally formed cylindrical structure, or even a spherical object that looks the same from all views in 3D, other than an end view, the two views are the same in shape, size, and detail, could be considered the same view, then a 6D environment or structural object might be mistaken as a 5D. Depending on the point and vector relationships that create the Hypersurfaces, many wide ranging concepts can be described. From one equation, two unit vectors, formed head to tail, that rotate in planes perpendicular to one another, forming a third “dynamic vector”, one can create seven different Hypersurfaces from a point all by changing the scalar values of each unit vector. Each Hypersurface is a composite of two or more unit dimensional vectors.

Below is a single math equation that gives the geometry for 7 different Hypersurfaces and the one point at 0,0. Each of the seven of the Hypersurfaces has its mathematical inverse. R1 can be a composite vector such as ‘velocity’ which is composed of unit vectors of distance and time in an indirect relationship, d/t, and R2 can be a different composite unit vector of an indirect relationship between mass and time, m/t, by multiplying the two relationships, one can get a relationship such as (mass x distance)/(time x time), i.e. “force” :

Points, with mass vectors perpendicularly pointed at one, provide one with the concept of a particle. Concepts of a wave, and a field are both demonstrated by mass vectors rotating in the other perpendicular directions. Photons were one of the earliest concept objects to be studied. Even before electrons. Photons have been found to have many interesting characteristics. These concepts of ‘particle’, ‘wave’, and ‘field’ have all been applied as descriptors for the concept object known as the photon.

Photons have been shown, via repeatable experiments, to have all the classic characteristics of the particle, wave, and field. It is a matter of perspective between the target experimental device and the photon. How the photon is viewed by the ‘surface of contact’ in the experimental device determines how the photon data is interpreted. In the list of concepts, particle, wave, and field, each concept is dimensionally higher in geometric form as one proceeds to the right of the list from the left most in the list. The rotating heliostat, the spectrum-spreading prism, and the photoelectric diode and transistor are examples of surfaces of determination of photonic data. The photon itself is something else altogether.


Polarity is the concept of complimentary opposites. General physics uses the concept of ‘spin’ to develop the concept of 'polarity'. It talks about ‘fermions’ and ‘boson’ statistics. One-half integer and integer spin respectively. It gets more complicated and less easy to understand. Given the geometrical perspective of the Hypersurface equation, one can easily see from of the seven or so available 6-dimensional shapes how polarity might come about. In terms of direction, we found that left and right, up and down, front and back were opposite of each other. Some other terms one might see are: Plus and Minus, Positive and Negative, and Heads and Tails, Male and Female. When one looks into a mirror, one sees their opposite. Every vector or line consists of at a minimum of two points that are separated by some distance. Each end is the opposite polarity of the other. Magnets, like the earth, have two opposite poles, a north and a south. The North Pole of a magnet is considered to be the Positive pole as is its South Pole the Negative.

When it comes to our view of a Hypersurface, there is only one side and one 'pole' which is the end view of the axis of rotation. The axis of rotation is always perpendicular to the Hypersurface in view. Depending on the geometry, the Dynamic Hypersurface that is formed, is viewed only as ‘outside’, or only as ‘inside’. Any 'surface', including a Hypersurface, is geometrically still a 2D dimensional element and not a plate with two sides. One might think that polarity might not apply to the Hypersurface, however they would be incorrect. Polarity is of primary importance. The ends of a vector could trade places. Thus, what was a positive pointing vector is now negative pointing vector and what was outside is now inside and visa versa. Invariably, in our universe, any and all surface that is present conforms tightly the volumetric shape that forms it. Thus, surface, a 2D concept, flows over a 3D volume of some shape. In examining any kind of matter that one can name, removing any surface material only reveals more outside surface below it. It is the projected geometry shape of certain Hyper-Objects that gives rise to polarity. There are also neutral geometry Hypersurface objects that do not give rise to polarity.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Censored Physics Concepts: October 2009

In the image to the left, a Blackhole / Whitehole function is displayed.  In linear terms, it is a 5D surface on a 6D "manifold" structure.  The surface is composed from 3D space, 1D timeflow, and 1D dynamic masss.  The 3D of space is flatened to a surface in this view of the 4D hyperspace structure.

Timeflow and dynamic mass are perpendicular to normal 3D space, yet parallel to the 4DFR (which serves as the third dimension, yielding the volumetric, over which the "2D" surface is stretched in this image.

The above One Equation generates the image above it.  When R1 = |R2|, or |R1| = R2, i.e. R1 = 1; R2= -1; R1 = |R2| or R1 = -1; R2 = 1; |R1| = R2 , ( a typo occured in a previous post) the Blackhole / Whitehole function is formed.  It can easily be seen from the geometry that density increases as one approaches the Origin Point, as well as Change slowing to a crawl.