Monday, September 8, 2014

Appendix C Tertiary Concepts

The Seven 3D Fundamental Relationships
The Seven Relationships of Mass, Distance and Time
In this appendix, the concepts that involve all three of the primary units of distance, time, and mass that when combined in seven simple relationships, form concepts, new and old revisited, that will become the basis of even more complex concepts.

Present Reality of Existence = Mass x Distance x Time

Potential Reality is the concept of three unit vectors that form a composite 1D Vector edge of a 2D surface element of Tangible Existence. It is the nature of surface within our universe that gives us the concept of reality. The Reality of Existence in terms of physicality is another property of the Point. Most physicists consider particles as solid inelastic points. Particles and points are actually a co-linear view of structural vectors of Present Reality of Existence. Consider for a moment that the current thinking in Q. E. D. is that virtually any sub-nucleon type particle can form in the vacuum of space, a.k.a. ‘Quark Foam’. This ‘Quark Foam’ is actually Vectors of Present Reality of Existence. How long will a line of Present Reality of Existence will last is a matter of its Potential. We exist in a linear fashion. We are dynamic volumes of space-time, filled with organized matter, that exist for a short amount of time.

Present Reality of Existence can also be viewed as a ‘Hot Time’ or ‘Massive Displacement’.
Together, the unit vectors of mass, time, and distance are all rolled into one composite vector package of Present Reality of Existence. Matter, Space-Time, Energy, Gravity are each a concept of higher linear dimension. Also, they are all concepts that require three or more degrees of freedom to form. All the unit vectors are pointing in some direction. Each rotating in some plane, to form and become the basis of all things material, propelling, impelling and cosmological.

Future Reality of Existence = 1/(Mass x Distance x Time)

To Be determined. A future-present dynamic vector that would make Heisenberg proud.

Momentum = Mass x Distance / Time

Momentum is the concept of three unit vectors that form a composite 1D Vector edge of said 2D surface element of Tangible Existence, adjacent to Potential Reality. Isaac Newton’s second law, or rather the second half of his statement about the motion of objects, namely that “…Every body perseveres in its … uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon...” is the statement from which the concept of Momentum is derived. An object that is in motion and traveling at a constant rate of velocity is considered to have Momentum. Mass x Distance / Time = Momentum, which is constant change of an objects distance or direction, through the action of motion. Einstein has taught us that everything is relative. Said object is considered to be in motion, in some ‘right’ direction relative to any other object not in apparent motion.

From ‘HyperPhysics – Momentum’, Momentum is defined as:

The momentum of a particle is defined as the product of its mass times its velocity. It is a vector quantity. The momentum of a system is the vector sum of the momenta of the objects, which make up the system. If the system is an isolated system, then the momentum of the system is a constant of the motion and subject to the principle of conservation of momentum.

The basic definition of momentum applies even at relativistic velocities, but then, the mass is taken to be the relativistic mass.  The most common symbol for momentum is p. The SI unit for momentum is kg m/s.  Momentum is in the motion of objects. Relative motion means just you as the observer and your frame of reference, and what it is that you the observer is observing and its frame of reference and the difference if any between the two. Momentum is the relative motion between two objects of differing volumes and densities and the distance between them. Momentum is matter’s resistance to change in direction while in motion.  Momentum can also be viewed as ‘Fast Mass’, or since mass x distance is the mechanical equivalent of Heat, then it can also be viewed as ‘Frequent Heat’.

Inertia = Mass x Time / Distance

Inertia is the concept of three unit vectors that form a composite 1D Vector edge of said 2D surface element of Tangible Existence, adjacent to Momentum and adjacent to Potential Reality, i.e. perpendicular to both. Isaac Newton first law of motion, or the first half of a statement about motion of object, namely, “Every body perseveres in its state of rest… unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon.” Inertia is the concept of Mass x Inertial Friction, thus it is matter’s resistance to change in direction while at ‘rest’. The concept of being at ‘rest’ is in fact incorrect, since everything in the universe is in some kind of motion relative to something else, and certainly away from the center of the ‘Big Bang’ as it appears that the Universe is still expanding. It would be more correct to say, to paraphrase Einstein, that the concept of Inertia, is the Mass of a volume of Matter, being at ‘relative rest’ in relationship to its nearest large companion comparison mass against which it is ‘resting’.

In space, there appears to be no friction, but there is the “inertia” of matter. All known matter has some inherent “inertia”. One has no real way of knowing exactly how much Inertia an object has until you try to move it. One can use a horizontal spring balance to measure an objects mass as defined by SI. The object’s mass that is being inspected has to be moving and changing directions of travel at a frequent rate. The distance of travel and time of travel are the same in both directions, and cancel each other out by the use of math. The spring has to overcome both the inertia and the momentum to give the proper functional result of an objects mass as measured by SI. Most educated individuals will tell you that mass, is simply just the numerical measure of inertia. For Newton’s more complete statement we have:

Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon.

Projectiles continue in their motions, as far as they are not retarded by the resistance of the air, or impelled downwards by the force of gravity. A top, whose parts by their cohesion are continually drawn aside from rectilinear motions, does not cease its rotations, otherwise than it is retarded by the air. The greater bodies of the planets and comets, meeting with less resistance in freer spaces, persevere in their motions both progressive and circular for a much longer time.

That is a pretty big ‘or’. Potential Linearity, (mass x time) / distance, if one can get the feel for word problems and the mathematical relationships that are formed in the process, as a dynamic construct of Hypersurface geometry, one can see how as a radius gets longer, mass and time held constant, the sense of ‘density’ and ‘inertia’ decrease because of volume increase. If the radial distance is decreased, and the mass and time value are held constant, then the volume decrease increases the sense of ‘density’ and ‘inertia’. This behavior is seen evident in the four common forms of matter. Mass multiplied by Inertial Friction is closer to describing the concept of Inertia than just plain mass. Both momentum and inertia involve the concepts of time and distance, in Momentum’s case, its Mass x Velocity, for the case of Inertia, Mass x Inertial Friction. Mass is the constant in both cases. Inertia is matter’s resistance to change in direction while at rest. An object that appears at rest, wants to stay at rest.

Gravity = Mass / Distance x Time

Gravity is the concept of three unit vectors that form a composite 1D Vector edge of a 2D surface element of Tangible Existence. Gravity is the concept of ‘In’, or towards center, parallel to the fourth axis of rotation. Gravity also represents ‘Applied Linear Density’, or how matter gets made denser. Displacement Mass is one form of the Gravity concept. Pushing Linearity is another form of the concept. It is a matter of application of the mass. All points in the universe have the same capacity to act. The affect of a unit vector of mass expresses itself on one axis or another. Gravity creates large massive objects, such as galaxies, stars and planets. Gravity is what pushes against matter, causing it to accelerate toward a larger clump of matter.

Time of Heat = Time / Mass x Distance

Potential Reality is the concept of three unit vectors that form a composite 1D Vector edge of a 2D surface element of Tangible Existence. Time of Heat is the concept of Specific Inertial Friction, or that of which specifically impedes. The Time of Heat is the length of time it takes to generate or use a unit of Heat, while Charge per unit of distance may have more meaning in terms of how the physical relationship between the different primary physical concepts may actually behave. The relationship, for the Time of Heat, is the inverse of the relationship concept of momentum, and can be thought of as inverse momentum, which implies ease in the ability of an object to change direction while in motion, but more at that Heat is what causes time to flow. Where one object’s momentum can be transferred to another, usually increasing the K.E. of the second object, SIF removes K.E. from the second object to be lost as ‘radiated heat’. Inertia is the concept of resistance to change in direction of an object at rest.

The fastest object that we are aware of is the photon, a unit of light. Light, which supposedly has no mass, has a speed limit. Even in the vacuum of space, with seemingly nothing to slow the photon down, the photon cannot exceed its limit. Specific Inertial Resistance is the relationship responsible for this fact.

The length of time that mass can be effective through some distance, is a concept that is much harder to fathom. If the mass term, or the distance term, increases, then the Specific Inertial Resistance decreases.

Linear Potential = Distance / Mass x Time

Linear Potential is the concept of a unit of distance per unit of Potential. Sounds a little like the MPG of gasoline. The distance is dynamically created, is structurally developmental, and is the resultant vector from the mass and time product vector, and this is what creates ‘space’.
Specific Velocity is velocity per unit of mass, or speed per unit of mass, and is the inverse relationship of Inertia. The application of a specific amount of mass will yield a certain velocity after the mass is applied. Mass is responsible for the photon’s achievement to its given velocity. It is mass that supplies the oomph that gives the velocity to the photon which sends it on its journey into Pure Space to be absorbed later by another object with mass. The mass vector in the photon is near perpendicular or is perpendicular to the distance vector, so that its scalar mass value is small or zero when compared to the distance vector, yielding a large velocity vector. This relationship yields the speed limit of light.
The Frequency of Specific Linearity lends its relationship to matter and its unique elemental forms. The variety of the elements that are available is evidence of this relationship.

Specific Displacement = Distance x Time / Mass

Specific Displacement is the concept of ‘Out’, or away from center, parallel to the forth axis of rotation. Specific Displacement can also be considered as Linear Charge, Charge x distance, or the Time Specific of matter. Specific Displacement is opposite of Gravity.
Displacement is any one event of change in distance and time. Displacement occurs from start to finish of the event, the result being a distance that was traversed, the time it took to transverse it, and the dynamic mass vector that was increased, decreased, moved or rotated.