Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Point (4DFR)

A Point is a concept in need of a definition. What are the properties of a point? For some, a point is the beginning, for others it is the end. A Point is the concept of how the universe began, as an origin, i.e. the concept of the Origin of the Universe and it’s beginning as a Point.

Concisely then, all the clear, cognizable concepts, were creatively conceived, concentrated, completely compressed, and confined to a coalesced object. All concepts were conceived and clearly created though an act of cohesive, coherent, concentric, cognizing by a considerable comprehensive consciousness, with but a compunction, did conceptualize and compact all concepts into one coalesced concurrent condensed Point of Origin.

'In The Beginning’, the first Point is the universe, and is the Origin of all Points. When the Big Bang went “BOOM,” The One Point became many. It was a geometrical exponential expansion: 1, 3, 27, 19683, 7625597484987, etc. The Big Bang, “The Origin of All Points” having occurred, we can now start to define more complex concepts now that we have more that one point with which to work.

Mathematically speaking, a point marks the beginning and the end of a line, or an intersection of two or more lines. A Point also has the same mathematical definition and includes the collinear dimensional view of a line (looking parallel along the line, i.e. an end view); otherwise, it is perceived as a ‘flat’ sphere that has the same perpendicular view, as viewed from all ‘sides’, within our universe. This sphere shaped Point has no dimension or volume in and of itself relative to our “4D Space-time”, yet it is there to define dimension. A sphere is the simplest of shapes and forms, for it has one point of origin, one single contiguous surface of the same shape as the center origin point, and one single continuous edge easily seen from all angles, which is also the same shape as the center point from which it is formed.


The point of The Point is that the concept of The Point, as a sphere is:
  • The sphere is the simplest of all geometrical concepts from which all other concepts arise.
  • Within each Sphere reside all the properties needed for higher dimensional constructs.
  • The universe naturally uses a spherical coordinate system.

Dynamic Point Laws
    • Each Point can act as an origin.
    • Each Point can act separately.
    • Each Point can act in concert with any other Point.
    • Each Point is tied to all other Points.
    • Each Point adds or transfers its properties to the next and in turn receives a property set from said next Point.
    • All Points can act together.
    • One Point can affect all the other Points.
    • All of the other Points can affect just one Point.

What we see as a point in our 4D environment is really a ‘cross-section’ of something that has more than four dimensions. To imagine as an example, we can talk about ‘Mr. 3D’. Mr. 3D has 2D in terms of extension, and 1D of time so that he knows motion. He knows about left and right and up and down, but not about forward or backward. He can’t see ‘In’ or ‘Out’. He can move around objects in his 3D environment, but all he sees is a dot, a line, or a line of dots or moving lines and dots. Concepts like ‘square’ and ‘circle’ are abstract and tough to visualize or prove. The only way he can determine a shape is to move around it. He can only rotate left or right about an axis that is normal to his plane of ‘reality’. He can move in any direction save for the direction of the axis of rotation that is ‘normal’ to his plane of existence. He cannot rotate ‘in’ and ‘out’ of his plane, only within it. Now we can introduce various objects into his plane of existence. Our objects are 4D in our ‘Hyperplane of Existence’. When we move our 4D objects to intersect his plane, he can only see their cross-section edge. If we were to put our finger through his plane, he would see only solid lines that were impassable, after awhile he might find that he could go around but just not through. As we move our finger into his plane he would notice that the line he sees is changing length. He is able to determine distance, angle, color, and his 2D position relative to the position of our finger. Mr. 3D has limited view and knowledge of anything beyond his 3D (2D plane, 1D time) environment.

When thinking about objects, that appear to be singularity orientated, such as particles and Blackholes, the cross-sections that we see in our environment are actually 5D Hypersurfaces imposed on a '6D Hyperspace' structure / environment. Dimensions noted here, are always perpendicular to each other. All four 'linear' dimensions of Extension are perpendicular to each other. We can only see in 3D. The fourth is 'just around the corner,' out of view. A Point in 4D, is a line in 5D, is a curved surface on a 6D object. Time-Flow and Dynamic Mass are Hypervectors similar to that of Extension.

Points are the basis of everything. It is the properties that we can ascribe to any one Point that creates differences from any other Point and since we have laid out the concept groundwork of the Point, it is now easier to see that Dynamic Hypervectors are formed between any two Points. One Point acts as the Origin Point the other acts as the Dynamic Point. Hypersurfaces have designated scalar truth table values such as [±1, 0] which yields the structure for ‘Infinite Hyperplanes’. Dynamic Path Hypersurface Elements are formed by rotational (α, ß, (R1,Θ), (R2, φ)) Dynamic Hypervectors, with four degrees of freedom of rotation. The first degree is about the longitudinal direction of a unit-vector, ‘R’, and yields the ‘plus or minus’ Polarity value of the scalar, while the second, third, and fourth degrees of freedom is the rotation of a Dynamic Point at the end of the dynamic longitudinal section, (r = Pd – Po) acting as the head of the arrow, about an Origin Point. It should be noted that π equals one degree of freedom of rotation. In the One Equation, the first half of the equation uses 0 to 2π, this equals 2DFR, while the second half of the equation uses -π/2 to π/2, the range of which is equal to π, 1DFR, together they yield a 3DFR.

The ‘first’ degree half of the above equation yields a circular perimeter created by a 2DF Dynamic Point (2πr). The rotating D-R unit-vector will form in situ an ‘Infinite Hyperplane’ (πr^2), 2D1T. Any two Infinite Hyperplanes, acting in concert together, will always be perpendicular to each other, thus Infinite Hyperplanes exist in all directions, thanks in part to Heisenberg’s Principle. An Infinite Hyperplane is one of seven different Hypersurfaces. The ‘second’ degree half of the above equation describes a Dynamic Hypersurface Path Element, with limitations, that goes through ‘zero’, in a rotational plane that is perpendicular to the rotational plane of the ‘first’ degree half of the equation, (2D1T), that due to the rotation of the first plane, (2D1T), forms two of the 6D ‘linear’ dimensions. The 6D ‘linear’ dimensions are really 4D1T1M ‘not so linear’ dimensions.

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