Friday, November 7, 2008

QED, Feynman, and Me

Points with Geometry from the One Equation:

I went here: and watched all four of Feynman's lectures. It was most enlightening, particularly when he describes the Photon and the Electron, as vectors of "chance potential" of an event occuring. The probability was given as the square of the scalar value of the resultant vector, times Pi, giving the area of a circle. The Photon has zero mass, while the Electron has a very small mass.

Here I have worked out a model of how the universe works, quantum to cosmic, alone, with no help or incouragement, using Points and Dynamic Vectors, and only recently come to find that Feynman had used the nearly the same thing to describe the photon and the electron. Had I seen this earlier I could have saved some time.

Feynman used a flat 2D surface, drew 2 vectors, connected them with a resultant vector. The length of the resultant vector, was then squared and multiplied by Pi. He was able to describe complex particle formation, and most other observed phenomena using this method, except for gravity, radioactivity, and the source of 'mass'.

I have taken it to the next level. With four degrees of freedom of rotation, for any resultant vector, i.e. 'Dynamic Hypervector', added to the concept of mass as a vector, similar to that of time and distance, constrained to the dictates of the One equation, combines to form a theory that can easily describe all observed phenomenon, including radioactivity, gravity, blackholes, whiteholes, charged and neutral particles, and all the different kinds of forces. The 'strength' of any force, energy, or 'mass', is given by the curve of the surface. The 'tighter' the angle of the curvature, the greater the effect.

What Do They Form?
The Hypermass:

Before everything was made, there was a ‘Hypermass’ that is the Point of Origin, (0, 0) see Top View. All the Points that formed in the first phase of ‘The Big Bang’, in a 6D frame of reference, created a formless ‘sphere’ of rapidly expanding Hyperspace gelatin, all the same as the Point of Origin. The second phase of The Big Bang, was the creation of Dynamic Points with ‘Change, Push and Spin’, which put everything into ‘random’ motion, forming layers of expanding gelatin and the starting of expanding ‘relationships’ which then initiated the third phase of 4 dimensional Rapid Expansion. Here we have a large sphere, made up of a growing number of smaller spheres, all unified as to properties. This is ‘spacetime’ starting to form, as the concept of ‘spacetime’ doesn’t ‘exist’ as a matter of reference, but rather a ‘hypermass’, that from our 3D1T point of view would appear to be an infinitely small, infinitely dense singularity. Each Dynamic Point Hypersurface Element has a ‘mass’ component. All of the Points (the number of which continues to increase) have no direction, thus no relationships, thus no reference, thus there are no differences as everything is still just one thing with ‘layers’ of the same thing in a ‘linear’ 0D frame of reference.

In our 3D1T world, we have Distance with Direction. We can make 3 lines meet at one Point and have each be perpendicular to the other two lines. Now imagine being able to do the same thing with 4 lines. Extension, a ‘linear’ 1D frame of reference, is formed by the individual rotational expression between any two Points, forming Dynamic Hypervectors, with one degree of freedom of rotation. The first degree is about the longitudinal formation of a unit-vector, ‘r’, (r = Pd – Po). Having two Dynamic Points rotating in the same ‘direction’ create ‘distance’, (because of polarity) and differing rates of spin allows ‘r’ to vary in ‘distance’. This dynamic change in distance creates a form of oscillation that occurs between any two Dynamic Points, this ‘dynamic changing length’ forms ‘time’. Each Origin Point, acts in concert, with every other Origin Point, is the center of a Dynamic Point Hypersurface Element, with every other Point acting as the Dynamic Point. It takes ‘mass’ to move ‘mass’. It takes Mass to create 'distance' and 'time' between Points of Origin. Each Point ‘pushes’ against all of the others, this causes extension and expansion. Each Point finds its own ‘spin axis’, with Dynamic Points rotating around a Point of Origin. An Origin Point and a Dynamic Point, with the same ‘spin axis,’ dynamically form unit-vectors.

Infinite Hyperplanes:
Infinite Hyperplanes (±1, 0) are formed from unit vectors with 2DFR. The first degree is about the longitudinal formation of a unit-vector, ‘r’, while the second degree of freedom is the rotation of a Dynamic Point at the end of the longitudinal section, (r = Pd – Po) acting as the head of the arrow, about an Origin Point. Each Point, in concert, with every other Point, is the center of a Dynamic Hyperplane element, with every other Point acting as the Dynamic Point. All Points, in a 6D frame of reference, created a formless, motionless Hypermass. The Big Bang, i.e. the addition of Change using Push, put everything in motion. Hyperplanes are the basis of all dynamic surface elements, i.e. the stuff we can see, hear, taste, smell, touch and from which we are formed. The concepts of ‘Mass’, ‘Time’ and ‘Distance’ start to form. In our visible viable universe, we have Distance with Direction. The Hyperplanes, which form Hypersurfaces, are ‘normal’ in all directions to our point of view. No matter which direction one looks, our view of a Hypersurface will always be perpendicular to it. Our view, of such a thing, would be such that we would ‘see’ light, and the images that we see because of the light, becoming ‘Macro Hypervectors’ that flow as a curved surface made up of Dynamic Hypersurface Elements, and appear as thin bands of light alternating with bands of dark, in both directions on the Hypersurface of greatest curvature. The bands of light would be the light coming toward you, while the dark bands would be the light going away from you.

Infinite Hyperspacetime:
In our 4D1T1M universe, and being able to set R1 and R2 to (-1, -1) or (1, 1) says that there is a ‘nega-universe’ as well as our ‘posi-universe’. This corresponds to the concept of polarity, which is derived from the first degree of freedom of rotation, (see Top View), that gives a clockwise or counter clockwise direction to the first degree of freedom of rotation. The D-R vector that forms between 2 Points can also point in opposite ‘directions’ which then adds to the properties of any D-R vector, thus adding another level of complexity at the very beginning of things. When the unit-vectors all have the same freedoms rotation and are ‘Pointing’ together, they form a full unit-vector. Single full unit-vectors with 4DFR form the ‘Points of the Universe’ and are indistinguishable from each other. This Hypersurface function gives one the concept of ‘outside’ surface. It has one ‘active’ side, yet its geometry yields more functions than just that of ‘outside surface.’ The ‘hollow’ inside provides for the vacuum of ‘space’ while the outside 'active surface' provides for the gravity of ‘space.’

Neutral Matter-Antimatter:
Neutral Matter-Antimatter is formed by the Hypersurface configuration (0, ±1). This is what forms the bulk of the universe along with Hyperspacetime. This is the base form of matter, regardless of its level of ‘kinetic energy’. By the given understanding of the common four states of matter, (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), it appears that any common solid matter can attain the ‘higher’ states of matter by accumulating and exhibiting ‘kinetic energy’, as can matter in ‘higher’ states can be lowered by the removal of ‘kinetic energy’. This ability shows up in many different ways in a 4DFR universe. It can be seen that as long as R2 remains zero, varying R1 in either direction, plus or minus, yields a scaling function, the nature of which is dynamic, while the functional geometry remains the same, which allows for the smallest of structures to the largest of structures. This shape also fits nicely in the center of a Hyperspacetime function, and together they give the appearance of what has been termed “dark matter or dark energy” out there in ‘dark’ space.

Dynamic Change, or that which is Changing, that which has Continuous Change, has the function (±A, ±B), such that R1 is LessThan the absolute value of R2 or the absolute value of R1 LessThan R2 with the non-occurrence of R1 = |R2| or |R1| = R2, neither R1 nor R2 equal to zero, neither R1 nor R2 equal to ±1 at the same instance. This functional gives the ‘wrapped candy’ geometry of ‘Time-Flow’ and ‘Motion’. The formation of Hypervectors, of any kind, causes Change; the kind of ‘change’ is not so obvious. Time, as most people experience it, is a linear expression, which is a measure of Change, the measure of which our brains have become accustomed to taking on a regular basis, ‘frame’ by ‘frame’.

The scalar measure of Change can be such as ‘distance’ in a linear system or of ‘time’ in a cyclic system. A spherical atom of “Cesium” vibrates at a constant rate. How does a sphere oscillate or vibrate? It shrinks, or grows, and then returns, back to its original size. The change in size can be measured as well as the rate of change in size and back. The change is linear and cyclic. This kind of behavior is the result of the first degree of freedom of rotation in action, i.e. that of ‘Push’ and ‘Spin’. Push creates ‘dynamic change’ along the direction Hypervector, while Spin creates ‘dynamic change’ perpendicular to the direction of the Hypervector. The tick-tock of clock is a repeatable event. The amount of each ‘time’ event is registered on the face of the clock by some kind of indicator. Analog or digital, change is measured, and indicated, never to be seen or felt again, except on the face of the clock as time having past, or the distance as having been traveled. No ‘do-overs’ during game play.

Blackholes and Whiteholes:
Many individuals have already written much on the concept of Blackholes. Since Schwarzschild’s solutions to Einstein’s equations in 1916, Blackholes, i.e. Schwarzschild’s radius, have been a topic of interest. There have been many mathematical attempts, using different geometries, to define and describe the cause and effect of Blackholes. Quasars are stellar Whiteholes that are represented by the bottom half of the function, where all light is emitted, while ‘blackholes’ are represented by the top half of the function, where all light is collected, and both halves ‘point’ to a Point.
In the above Equation, it is easy to see that as R1 = R2, or R1 = R2, the geometry of the formation creates the Blackhole / Whitehole function. The Blackhole / Whitehole (1, -1) or (-1, 1) function rotates all directions of spacetime, dynamic mass vectors included, towards or away from, what appears to be a single Point, thus it looks like a ‘singularity’ from a 3D1T point of view, no matter from which direction one approaches. The Blackhole half of the function rotates the axis of spin of the ‘mass’, ‘time’, and ‘distance’ components of all the ‘Points’, in a specific radius, towards the Point of Origin of the radius, while the opposite occurs with the Whitehole half of the function, as all is rotated away from the Point of Origin of the radius. The dense collections ‘particles’ that make up the planets and regular stars remain as individual particles, with each particle owning and maintaining its own volume of spacetime. However, greater is the number of particles that go into making a Blackhole/Whitehole function, as is the mass of the original star, which ‘collapsed’ to form the Blackhole/Whitehole function. The larger ‘cross-section,’ and the greater area density of that cross-section of matter, that the original star presented to the rest of the ‘universe’, the greater the chance for the Blackhole function to occur. As the ‘collapse’ progresses, the Dynamic Hypervectors of Push, which are aligned with the 1DFR, cause the Dynamic Hypervectors of Extension and Time-Flow to rotate to align with the 1DFR becoming no longer perpendicular to one another and further combine together to form a single contiguous Dynamic Point Hypersurface Element. Quasars emitting or Blackholes collecting, the same amount of photons or matter, will be equal in radius.

Many individuals have already written much on the concept of Wormholes. Since Schwarzschild’s solutions to Einstein’s equations in 1916, Wormholes have been a topic of interest. There have been many mathematical attempts, using different geometries, to define and describe the cause and effect of Wormholes. Wormholes are temporary structures, which serve to move photons and matter from one Point in ‘spacetime’ to another, different, Point in ‘spacetime’. The Wormhole is the structure that creates the shortest ‘distance’ between two Points in ‘spacetime’.

In the above Equation, it is easy to see that as along as if 0 <> R2, or if 0<> R2 the geometry yields the formation that creates the Wormhole function. Wormholes, allow for the passage of matter, energy, and light, in both directions, through the interface that is formed at the ‘zero-cross-over’ between the two ‘areas’ of spacetime. While the 6D Hypersurface geometry of (1,1) Hyperspacetime provides for ‘surface’ in our 3D1T world, it is a surface that is ‘outside’ and only outside. The Wormhole function provides the only ‘inside’ Dynamic Path Hypersurface Elements, and like anti-mater, it does not last long in our ‘spacetime’.

The Hyperplane interface at the ‘zero-cross-over’ cross-section of the Wormhole, is formed by Dynamic Hypervectors pointing in opposite directions parallel to gravity’s normality to a massive infinite surface and is the 2DF axis of rotation for R1. R2’s 2DF axis of rotation is perpendicular to that of R1. The edge view of the plane of rotation of R2 is parallel to the axis of rotation of R1 always. The zero in the ‘zero-cross-over’ term refers to the fact, that Time is zero, or appears non-existent at that point, in the rotation of the unit-vectors. It is also the point of greatest curvature of ‘spacetime’ along the Hypersurface.

Time still ‘exists’ it just doesn’t appear to flow. On the Dynamic Hypersurface itself, photons show up as lines or vectors of light that is brightly emitted alternating with lines or vectors of a total lack of light as the absorbed blackness of space.

The dark area in the above rendered image is medium gray (in low indirect light), short-loop pile carpet. The circular light area in the center of the image is sun-lit concrete sidewalk. The gray carpet was located on the inside of an apartment at 10:00 PM on Friday, April 12, 1996. The sun-lit concrete sidewalk was located outside of the apartment at 10:30 AM on Sunday, April 14, 1996. The diameter of the circle was approximately 3.65 inches. The circle, formed, remained, then un-formed in period of approximately 3.65 seconds. The distance between the two areas of space was approximately 3.65 yards, with the direction being due east going from entrance to exit, and the ‘height difference’ at the z-c-o was about 3 x 3.65 inches. The difference in time between entrance and exit was 36.5 hours.

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